Pumpkin Seed Nutrition

Transform your culinary journey with the pinnacle of wellness and refinement: Keystone Cravings' Organic Styrian Pumpkin Seeds. Harvested from Oregon's fertile lands, these exquisite and organic seeds, also known as 'pepitas', are a wealth of nutrition.

Cultivated solely for its valuable seeds, the Styrian pumpkin introduces a refined twist to the usual. Each naturally shell-less seed exemplifies the elegance and purity of nature. Utilizing the Styrian pumpkin's flesh as enriching mulch fosters a cycle of sustainability.
Abundant in protein and vital minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium, and manganese, pepitas transcend the superfood category. They invite you on an exploration of nuanced tastes and wellness. Ideal for elevating salads, rice, pasta, yogurt, or cereal, these seeds convert simple meals into exceptional, nutrient-dense culinary masterpieces.
Savor the rich, popcorn-esque taste of roasted pepitas—a lavish treat without the need for butter. As a nourishing snack or a premium ingredient, Keystone Cravings' THE GREAT TRAIL Organic Pumpkin Seeds are a revolution in gourmet snacking.
Embrace a lifestyle rich in nutritional purpose and distinguished by the rarity and uniqueness of every meal. Leave behind the echoes of hunger and transform your dining from ordinary to extraordinary. Discover the uncommon, the wholesome, the gourmet—Discover Keystone Cravings.